Journal papers
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "Beta-divergence as a subclass of Bregman divergence", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 83-86, February 2011 [pdf], [bib]
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "NMF with time-frequency activations to model non stationary audio events", IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 744-753, May 2011 [pdf], [bib]
M. Rébillat, R. Hennequin, E. Corteel, B.F.G. Katz. "Identification of cascade of Hammerstein models for the description of non-linearities in vibrating devices", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 330, Issue 5, Pages 1018-1038, February 2011 [pdf], [bib], [toolbox]
Conference papers
R. Hennequin, J. Royo-Letelier, M. Moussallam "Audio Based Disambiguation Of Music Genre Tags", ISMIR, Septembre 2018, Paris, France [pdf]
J. Royo-Letelier R. Hennequin V.-A. Tran, M. Moussallam "Disambiguating Music Artists At Scale With Audio Metric Learning", ISMIR, Septembre 2018, Paris, France [pdf]
R. Delbouys, R. Hennequin, F. Piccoli, J. Royo-Letelier, M. Moussallam "Music Mood Detection Based On Audio And Lyrics With Deep Neural Net", ISMIR, Septembre 2018, Paris, France [pdf]
R. Hennequin, J. Royo-Letelier, M. Moussallam. "Codec independent lossy audio compression detection", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Mars 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA [pdf], [poster].
R. Hennequin, F. Rigaud. "Long-term reverberation modeling for under-determined audio source separation with application to vocal melody extraction", ISMIR, August 2016, New York, NY, USA [pdf].
S. Leglaive, R. Hennequin, R. Badeau. "Singing voice detection with deep recurrent neural networks", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, April 2015, Brisbane, Australie [pdf].
R. Hennequin, J.J. Burred, S. Maller, P. Leveau. "Speech-guided source separation using a pitch-adaptive guide signal model", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, May 2014, Florence, Italy [pdf], [poster]
X. Jaureguiberry, G. Richard, P. Leveau, R. Hennequin. "Introducing a simple fusion framework for audio source separation", IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Septembre 2013, Southampton, UK [pdf]
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "Scale-invariant probabilistic latent component analysis", IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), October 2011, New Paltz, New York [pdf], [demo page], [bib]
R. Hennequin, B. David, R. Badeau. "Score informed audio source separation using a parametric model of non-negative spectrogram", IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic [pdf], [bib], [database], [slides], [video], [code]
B. David, R. Hennequin, J.-L. Durrieu, R. Badeau. "Including parametric models in spectrogram decomposition", 2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, November 2010, Cancun, Mexico
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "Time-dependent parametric and harmonic templates in non-negative matrix factorization", Proc. 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), septembre 2010, Graz, Austria [pdf], [bib], [slides]
M. Rébillat, R. Hennequin, E. Corteel, B. Katz. "Prediction of harmonic distortion generated by electro-dynamic loudspeakers using cascade of Hammerstein models", Proc. 128th AES convention, May 2010, London, UK. [pdf], [bib], [toolbox]
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "Spectral similarity measure invariant to pitch shifting and amplitude scaling", Proc. 10th Congres Francais d'Acoustique, April 2010, Lyon, France. [pdf], [bib]
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "NMF with Time-frequency activations to model non stationary audio events", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), March 2010, Dallas, Tx. [pdf], [bib], [poster], [poster (french version)]
Technical reports
R. Hennequin, R. Badeau, B. David. "Scale-invariant probabilistic latent component analysis" rapport technique Telecom ParisTech, février 2011 [pdf]
Thesis (in french)
PhD thesis (Telecom ParisTech from 2008 to 2011) - Decomposition of musical spectrograms informed by spectral synthesis models. [pdf]
Master thesis (Ultimate Sound Bank, 2008) - Measurement, Identification and Simulation of non-linear systems : Toward an FX sampler. [pdf]
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